Do you want to help support Aunty Monkey?
Even though our time is free, producing a podcast like Aunty Monkey is not. Hosting the podcast episodes and investing in recording equipment isn’t cheap. Our mission is to avoid advertising on the podcast (apart from blatant plugs for ourselves), so any financial support the subscribers can provide will help.
Just $1 an episode
Think about what you can buy these days for just $1 dollar… not much. Also think about how much it would cost to have a couple of beers or glasses of champagne with some of the ballooning legends we are having conversations with… definately more than $1.
Become an Aunty Monkey Patron
Through patreon, you are able to become a patron of Aunty Monkey. Each time we release an episode, patreon will charge you $1 and that money will help pay for the expenses of producing and hosting the podcast.
To sign up to be a patron, simply go to our patreon page at